Pharmacy Department

Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs. It is a health profession that links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs.

The pharmacy provides and supervises the use of all medicines prescribed within the Trust. This key role, known as medicine management, begins with coordinating how medicines are selected, bought from suppliers, and delivered to the hospital. It includes overseeing the way that they are prescribed and given to patients and means reviewing patients’ prescriptions regularly to ensure medicines are being used in the best way for the patient’s benefit.


Vatsalya Superspeciality Children's Hospital Pharmacy provides and supervises the use of all medicines prescribed within the Trust.

Pathology & Diagnostics

Vatsalya Superspeciality Children Hospital can take care of the Diagnostic Department.

24/7 Emergency

24/7 Emergency Department is staffed with qualified pediatricians and nursing personnel. (24 hours along with trained paramedics.)

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